
I am always curious about the world around me and reading is one of the best ways to do that. I’m always on a book per week challenge and will talk your ear off about what I’m currently reading.


I am a gamer. I love video games (Ludiphile is my own created word). It’s a passion I’ve had since I was 5 years old. Interactive mediums such as video games will be the way of the future sooner than we know.

Cara is an experienced Illustrator, Speaker and Cognitive UX/UI Designer. You’ve seen her work on the USAA Logon page as well as the USAA 100th Anniversary page. She’s also dabbled in several projects such as Enterprise Icon creation, Employee Authentication, the USAA Rebadge Effort and other interesting and impactful projects. She’s also worked on the compensation and preboarding experiences at Amazon that impact it’s 1.4 million workforce.

Cara was also recognized and awarded the Impact to Project award by her peers in the Chief Design Office for her work on Enterprise Member Security in native mobile and physical security efforts. She currently holds an Art & Design degree from Texas State University and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Psychology from Capella University.

In her spare time, Cara is an avid reader, gamer and proud Sambista of the Rio-style Samba Carnaval troupe.







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